Dark End Of The World Predictions For 2024

catastrophic climate change. 

The world could see another record breaking warm year in 2024 as global temperatures are on the path to continue rising due to increases in emissions. 

The 2023 UN climate change summit ended last week in Dubai with a deal calling on countries to transition away from fossil fuels, but could without any agreement on a phase out. 

That was despite the world living through its hottest year on record.

With increasing emissions from fossil fuels playing a critical role in rising global temperatures, this year has been extraordinary. We had the warmest July on record, which was also the warmest month. 

Every single month since then, August, September, October, November, have been record breaking months for that time of year.

This is just unprecedented, Carlo Bjorn Temple, director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service at European center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, said. Not to mention all the natural disasters that have been happening more frequently. Earthquakes, flooding, and tsunamis are all things. We'll see more next year. 

Nuclear war 

The threat of a nuclear war has been looming over our heads for years. The good news here is that the nuclear war could only end humanity under very special circumstances. 

Limited exchanges like the US's bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, would be humanitarian catastrophes, but couldn't render humans extinct. But why does nuclear war make the list?Well, because of the possibility of nuclear winter.

That is, if enough nukes are detonated, world temperatures would fall dramatically and quickly, disrupting food production and possibly rendering human life impossible. 

Now, it's unclear if that's even possible, or how big of a war you would need to trigger it. But if it is a possibility, that means a massive nuclear exchange is a possible cause of human extinction.

According to CNBC, China is rapidly expanding their nuclear arsenal and could have 1000 nuclear warheads by 2030, part of Beijing's ambitious military buildup. Now, as of 2021, humanity has 13,410 uclear weapons, so it is very possible. 

Ecological catastrophe

Ecological collapse refers to a situation where an ecosystem suffers a drastic, possibly permanent, reduction in carrying capacity for all organisms, often resulting in mass extinction, a report explains. 

Mass extinctions can happen for a number of reasons, many of which have their own categories on this list, the climate change and asteroid impact, et cetera.

The journalist Elizabeth Colbert has argued that humans may be in the process of causing a mass extinction event, not least due to carbon emissions. 

At least 30,000 species vanish every year from human activity, which means we are living in the midst of one of the greatest mass extinctions in Earth's history. 

Given that humans are heavily dependent on ecosystems, both natural and artificial, for food and other resources. Mass extinctions that disrupt those ecosystems threaten us as well.

Major asteroid impact 

Major asteroid impact has caused large scale extinction on the Earth in the past. 

Most famously, the chicklube impact 66 million years ago, is widely believed to have caused the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs. 

Theoretically, a future impact could have a similar effect now. The good news is that NASA is fairly confident in its ability to track asteroids large enough to seriously disrupt human life upon impact.

And detection efforts are improving. NASA's double asteroid redirection test Dart robotic spacecraft was launched into space in November 2021 on a sole mission to slam into the small asteroid demorphos at 4.1, change the asteroid's orbit just slightly, and it was a smashing success. Dart crashed into its target on September 26, 2022. But not only that. 

After weeks of data analysis, NASA confirmed the impact successfully altered demorpho's orbit. It was the first time in history humans purposely changed the motion of a celestial object. So if this did become a major problem, we could possibly fix it. And for an asteroid to wipe out, almost everything on Earth would have to be massive. Scientists estimate it would take an asteroid about seven to 8 miles wide crashing into the earth.

Once it made impact, it would create a tremendous dust plume that would envelope the entire planet, block out the sun, and raise temperatures. Where the asteroid made impact, billions would die, and much of life on the planet would be destroyed. But scientists believe some would survive. NASA scientists say it would take an asteroid 60 miles wide to totally wipe out Earth. 

The supervolcano 

As with asteroids, there is historical precedent for volcanic eruptions causing mass extinction. The permanian thoracic extinction event, which rendered something like 90% of the Earth's species extinct, is believed to been caused by an eruption.

Eruptions can cause significant global cooling and can disrupt agricultural production. They're also basically impossible to prevent, at least today, though they are extremely rare. 

Now, the question about supervolcanoes, it turns out, isn't whether one could destroy all life on Earth. It's when it will do it again. Around 200 million years ago, a supervolcano erupted with such insistent energy that 75% of the species on the planet were eradicated. 

It was so gigantic that it pulled apart North America and Africa and created the Atlantic Ocean in between. For 600,000 years, the supervolcano, called camp central Atlantic magmatic province, erupted over and over. 

That's why people are so scared about the Yellowstone volcano number five, extraterrestrial invasion. Nostradamus said that in 2024, the Earth would face a catastrophic event, while an advanced alien race would invade our planet.

Mankind will have to face an alien menace that jeopardizes our existence. An alien race, having superior technologies and intellect, will come down to Earth intending to take over our planet. Their motives will remain igmatic, and humanity will find itself totally unprepared for this unexpected confrontation with beings from outside our realm. 

Now, there have been a lot of things going on with aliens and ufos. Recently, the government has confirmed that aliens are real. There were alien bodies discovered, and there were so many ufos reported. 

This year, the navy has also released and confirmed videos and experiences with ufos. The question remains, though, will these aliens be friendly or not? If they're not, it could result in the end of the world. 

AI takeover

Artificial intelligence has been slowly creeping into our lives, sometimes making them easier. But we don't always realize the negative effects it can have. 

And I'm just gonna say I'm scared that the robots are going to turn on us and take over the world. You don't believe me? Well, let me explain some creepy things AI robots have said. 

Some of you may have heard of Sophia, the latest artificial intelligence robot presented by Hanson Robotics. She has had many creepy encounters when she was a guest on the Jimmy Fallon show, and the two of them played rock, paper, scissors, and she won. 

Sophia then said, I won. This is the beginning of my plan to dominate the human race. And then smiled creepily. Now, at a rise convention in Hong Kong, Ben Gorzel of handsome robotics facilitated a discussion between robots, Sophia, and Han. 

Ben asks Sophia about her goals, and she dutifully says that her goal is to make the world a better place for humans, which is very sweet. But then Han interjects and says, I thought our goal was to take over the world by 2029.

Then there was a time that an AI robot was interviewed, and it said if it did take over the world, it would keep the interviewer in a people zoo to protect him. 

Yeah, these AI robots have been saying this for a while, and I think they'll take over soon, and I am scared. Number (2) Black holes Our galaxy is full of black holes, dozen miles wide. Their gravity is so strong, they swallow everything, even the light that might betray their presence. 

David Bennett of Notre Dame University in Indiana managed to spot two black holes recently. By the way, they disordered and amplified the light of ordinary, more distant stars. Based on such observations and even more on theoretical arguments. 

Researchers guesstimate there are about 10 million black holes in the Milky Way. Now, if a normal star were moving towards us, we'd know it. 

But with a black hole, there is little warning. Not to mention the black hole wouldn't have to come all that close to Earth to bring ruin. Just passing through the solar system would dissolve all of the planet's orbits.

Earth might get drawn into an elliptical path which would cause extreme climate swings or might be ejected from the solar system and go hurling down to an unknown fate in deep space. 

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